UPDATED ON APRIL 7, 2011 Magic Jack, this amazing usb device will allow you to make unlimited calls to the US and Canda for $20.00 per year and better yet, you get a registered landline number that allows you to receive calls. I’ve found a lot of sites on how to set up routers, firewalls and access points to allow Magic Jack to pass through. None of them worked. It was agitating so I had to do some tests on my own. Read on for the complete port lists.

Magic Jack is very easy to install in the first place. Just plug it in and then plug your phone to it. The executable or installer should run automatically, if not open the flash drive, find it and then run it. The next part will deal with firewalls and port settings.
I used Active Ports to find out what ports MagicJack was using and it turns out that it uses a lot of UDP ports and two TCP ports. Their website specifically states that the device only uses UDP ports 5060-5070 (reference: LINK (removed) – GOOGLE’S WEB CACHE OF THE PAGE UPDATE April 7, 2011:The knowledge base has been down for a while but I managed to retrieve Google’s cache of the site.) which I found out was clearly not true. I found this out by performing calls to a random list of phone numbers (except 911 numbers ^_^). I dialed at least 40 phone numbers repeatedly. After this, I was able to conclude that MagicJack uses random UDP ports in the high range. UDP ports might seem a bit less important than TCP ports but as a Systems Administrator this will create a highly unsecured and exposed network. I was only able to achieve 100% connectivity with the 40 phone numbers after opening a range of UDP ports.

I also stumbled upon a lot of sites and forum posts that tell magic jack users to setup port forwarding, this is NOT true!
Below is the exact list of the TCP and UDP Ports that I had to open in my firewall and router (NOT port forward) to achieve 100% connectivity:
TCP Ports List: 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS)
UDP Ports List: 5060, 5070, 10000-65535
It is really strange why the device was designed like this. My guess is that the device is intended solely for home use and not commercial use.
thx for the info
im kinda newbie, heard that MJ might work with pc if the router supports Qos, im just wondering how can i do that, where to plug the MJ then?
thx for helping me out
I want I want I want… HOE YAHHH!
What do you mean by opening ports? Do you know how to do this on a linksys wrt610n? How is that different from port forwarding?
wow, that’s a really good example of how magic jack is easy to use.
Your behind a NAT firewall, of course the ports keep changing. Go read up on STUN & TURN to understand.
What you show me is that you lack understanding. You should NOT just turn OFF your firewall or put your own computer in the DMZ so it is completely unprotected as you are suggesting with the claims you have to open all ports for it to work. Chances are its not the magicjack but your router that needs an update to properly deal with the use of STUN and TURN.
VOIP traffic is passed via UDP, the TCP traffic you see is the downloading of the ADS, the 5060-5070 are the SIP registration.
First of all, I never did write in my post that you should turn off your firewall, set the DMZ to your computer for magic jack and open all ports. I guess the solution I posted here is for incompatible routers. I don’t know why but we have another VOIP device from Linksys in the exact same network that I set up. It uses STUN and it works fine with only one or two ports needed to be opened, nevertheless I will try to update the router. thanks,
yooo good
I have a magic jack at home it works fine with my dell laptop and desktop…got a new one as I was comin to Uni. also got a macbook pro and due to uni. firewall & stuff I hear the phone ringing but I have no audio…my audio works fine otherwise so now I have the daunting task of opening firewalls everyday to see which one will work for me HELP!!!
this is not fun…any1 else had this problem that solved it I;d like to know which firewall should be opened exactly going through these can take forever as I have a limit of 20 per day. So everyday I have to try making calls to see if I get through…skype has somewhat saved my sanity for now but I need to call the US that is why I have this MagicJack and right now the magic is not here!!!
hey dude! i have a problem im using 3cx for ip pbx telephone system each in our room has a extension number. in router side i configured port forward to the voip server static ip address for port 5060-5082. one of my aunt plug her Magic Jack in one of our pc in our home network, when magic jack in use, and my cousin start to use our ip pbx home server in the same time, the magic jack starts to malfunction the other line can’t hear our voice but we can hear them. the voip home server is not affected cause its only using our network not the internet. do you have any idea about this on whats going on our network? im asking you cause i feel that your so knowledgeable about network portocols.
Hmmm… I’m not so sure on that one, the only way I can think of why that will happen is because of UPNP wherein ports can be automatically assigned and taken over. I have also experienced those in 3CX here in the office and all we had to do was restart the server. I am yet to find out what is causing that problem.
Your article was quite helpful, although my skills are not in this area, the information stimulates enough to try and learn something other than the foolish chit chat one must wade through. Don’t who’s worse; the MJ ‘techs’ or the magpies…
my jack has performed in all departments except getting the phone to do what it is supposed to. From your read, I now suspect; the real problems may be due to the ports. On my Win7 64, I can open the firewall and also enter the Router although both – scare the heck out me (like dancing on a razor blade) as does regedit but; I definitely want this gadget to work.
My router is an Actiontec M1424-WR Rev. C (Firmware4.
My trial of Kaspersky Internet Suite is about up and I will pull it for a more robust, tighter AV and just use the Win Firewall for now. I just do not understand that much about the ports in both firewall and router although I did peek around and realize they are there – available for me to screw up. Would like to get some advice/guidance on how to safely go about assuring the 5060,5070 are set up correctly. Would this be asking too much of you?
I’m sorry but I can’t help you I don’t know what router that is but as what you said you opened the ports and drop the firewall down it should work.
Have you tried running the application as an Administrator since you are using Windows 7?
WRT54gl router updated firmware from 4.30.13 to 4.30.14 and it seems to work.
As a secondary measure I port forwarded TCP ports 5060 and 5070 to the ip address of the machine the majic jack was connected to. Not user if this made a difference or not.
You might try this. It worked for me.
Just got two Magic Jacks tonight (one for us and one for a lady to give her son to use in Iraq). Had some difficulty with the ports and contacted Magic Jack tech support chat. Opened UDP ports 5060 through 5070 and I was fine.
You may need to open the ports in your router (log into your router’s admin screen using your web browser), or in Windows Firewall and/or possibly in your anti-virus program.
The product seems to work well. I’m glad it does because I bought the promotional five year extension for $69.99 ($12.00 per year for five years!).
The sounds is as good as a regular phone, and I only have 768k DSL. It’s really like having a second phone line with its own phone number, voice mail, caller ID, three-way calling, etc… We ordered an extensible cordless base station with three handsets to use with Magic Jack. If all goes as we hope we’re changing our land line service to POTS (plain old telephone service).
You can make calls from your PC without a phone, which is good as I prefer not to take a telephone hand set with me on the road. All in all, it’s a very cool product.
I do hope that they clean up the user interface on the application so it’s easier to use and doesn’t pop up every time a call is made and they lose the banner ads. It would also be good if they had *telephone* technical support, which seems like something you would expect given the nature of the product, eh?
But this is a nice deal for the price. Send one to a service member to use overseas at the Internet cafe!
Thank you for this! Really helped me out alot
i’m currently using mj, the modem router is prolink adsl2+
Now im having problem because if i dial a certain phone number it says Pending ACK..
can anyone help me how to solve this issue..
when I dial the number and hit send, it goes right back to dial number. I turned off the firewall, but that didn’t work, I changed the usb port, but that didn’t work
Thanks for the info. I was about to do the same thing that you did and take A LOT of time to do it. I knew I couldn’t be the only one think of this and would put in the legwork to get it done. So, again, Thanks!!!
I had trouble from the moment I installed it. Incoming calls died at 32 seconds. They had me download and install “HotSpot Shield” and its toolbar. I despise toolbars, but I was told by the MJ support that if I didn’t DL it, he was going end the support session (chat). So, in good faith, I installed it all. I immediately uninstalled the toolbar. This thing was a nightmare. When connected, the calls in and out worked fine. One of the main issues was that it didn’t stay connected and you had to physically click on it all the time to get the connection back. The worst part about this was… After it connected (using an IE window) it would redirect to its own page that was FILLED with ads and ad videos. You could not stop, pause, control the volume, etc on them either. You had to mute your sys volume to shut it up or close the IE window (or tab). The problem with that was, you would have to open it back up later to connect again. And, if it couldn’t get any worse, the HotSpot Shield added an “ad bar” across the top of my IE windows. Not THAT was some BS!
I made ALL KINDS of changes and adjustments to several things… Turned off the Norton 360 AV and firewall. Turned off the Router Firewall (Linksys WRT54G), etc, etc, etc. Like any good tech, I documented each step and tested. After finding this article, I added the ports. With the Linksys, I had use Prot Forwarding as there is no other option. There is a way to do it properly. Add the ports, protocols, and then you add an IP. The IP has to start with 192.168.1 (your own private network) and then, for the last octet, you add you machine’s IP (the one the MJ is connected to). THAT finally solved my problem and I can take incoming calls for longer than 32 seconds now. I went back in and swapped the other changes made back to BAU (tested as I went along) and it seems to be hanging in there… There’s my $0.02. I hope it helps someone else as well. Thanks again.
@Ragman – No prob and thanks for the additional info
MagicJack opens outgoing and incoming connections with the following ports/IPs.
TCP on port 443 to data.magicjack.com
TCP on port 443 to prov1.magicjack.com
TCP on port 443 to prov2.magicjack.com
TCP on port 80 to reg.talk4free.com
TCP on port 80 to render.talk4free.com
TCP on port 5002 to mls.softjoys.com
UDP on port 53 to DNS servers in your network config
UDP on port 5070 to port 5060 of the system you are calling
UDP on port 10000-65535 to port 10000-65535 of the system you are calling
UDP on port 5060
[this must be a port forwarding rule in your firewall]
UDP on port 10000-65535
[this must be a port trigger rule: trigger by out UDP on port 5070]
Now im having problem because if i dial a certain phone number it says Pending ACK..
can anyone help me how to solve this issue, i need help
@carlos – That is still a port issue. Check your router and see if all the required ports are open.
Excellent guide to setting up MajicJack with a router and firewall. Thank you!
I just wanted to pass my experiance on to maybe help others that are frustrated. My original magicjack was working fine,until I decided to buy me a linksys
wrt54gl router.When I would try to make a call i kept getting the error3, and it would disconnect from the internet.I spent days on line with magicjack help trying everything.I was told to contact linksys for help. They could not help me either.I read all the info posted on line,including this web site forum.I finally decided on my own to upgrade the linksys firmware from .013 to the latest .015 that came out in january.My magicjack is working fine now.So I decided to do away with the port fordwarding that I had put in my router to see if it would still work. It still works fine. I did keep my static IP address on my laptop. I hope this info might be of help if your at your witts end.
Thanks finally real simple info
got everything to work fine
keep the good work guys
Hey therez a lot of information for magic jack set up out here. But was wondering if anyone knew how to set up the port changes for a Huawei BM652w?? Kind of deparately need help on this!!!
GEEZ-LOUISE, turn the font shadow off in your CSS!!!!
I have a Westell A90-750045-07 router. After many struggles the solution for me was to enable Port Forwarding for the following ports: UDP: 5060, 5070 / TCP: 80, 443
I did not have to configure any additional ports. I also did not have to do anything to my Windows firewall (I am running Windows 10).
Here is the instructions for this router: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Westell/A90-750045-07/Magicjack.htm.
Please note the above link is missing the addition of TCP ports 80 and 443.
Best of luck to you all!
Thanks for the port info…. 10000-65535 is like opening the world to everyone. Thank you for the unsecured device.
I Guys I have a NEW Netgear Nighthawk x6 ac3200 R8000. I tried getting my Magic Jack to work, I tried port forwarding to 5060 and 5070 and setup a static IP address and cannot get it to work. I have the latest Netgear firmware , any help would be well appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
@Dwight You will have to check if your modem/gateway is in bridge mode otherwise port fowarding will not work. Ask your ISP to help you switch it to bridge mode.
My magic jack often drops calls. I’ll be on the phone and I’ll get some interference then the line is dead. then it’ll just go back to a dial tone like I just picked up the phone. Other times the connection will get lost. I only know when I go to make a call or someone calls me and the app rings but the house phone does not. Then I pick up the phone and all it says in an antagonizing way, “error. error. error” The ONLY way to fix it is to unplug the router and plug it back in. Even unplugging the magic jack does nothing. I have an optimum supplied router. So maybe I have to open up some ports for magic jack?
I mean to say “obnoxious voice” that says, “error. error. error”